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Object wait , java. If you are planning to use the same formatter more than once in the same page, it makes sense to create the formatter in the controller or statically somewhere , put it in the model, and use it to perform the formatting.
formatDate - Then you can use import org.
Hi, In my recent grails project, i came across the situation where i needed to convert the date in given timezone to the date in another timezone. I searched a lot about it and got many solutions for this problem and then i came out with a simple way to do so. Lets i have a date in TimeZone say oldTimeZone and i want to convert it to another timeZone say newTimeZone, so to convert it to another timezone, i wrote the method given below. Vishal Sahu vishal intelligrape. Code provided by me is helpful when you know the date and its timezone as well. In my scenario i wanted to convert the date that is stored in some other timezone on my machine, i know the date and its timezone and thus converted it by using this code and it works fine for me. The internals of java. Date is always UTC. You should just format the date in another TimeZone instead. The same thing applies for parsing dates set the TimeZone on the DateFormat used for parsing. Example code: import java.
Ruby Meet Up 8/13/09: Interfaces and the Future of Ruby
Object wait longjava. Thanks for the feedback. Is this warning fine. The problem is that I have wrong time zone in my Grails app, i. Currency attr: roundingMode Sets the RoundingMode sincere in this DecimalFormat. Thanks to Groovy's extensions to the JDK Date classes we can work with dates more easily. You've got a few options here, that don't involve pulling in the tagLib bean from the grails application. By defining date-format in message.